The Easiest Thing to do is to Not Make Art
The purpose for what I do is to give art importance and significance. Knowledge is powerful. Art is another form of knowledge proving that the arts are an influential medium to communicate information. Whenever I tell people that I study visual art, I always get asked, “What are you going to do with that?” That question to me is synonymous with, “You’re not going to make any money in the art’s and the arts aren’t important so why are you wasting your time.”
It’s not a waste of time. The time spent is time that I feel fulfilled and my hope is to bring my audience an aesthetic experience where they will find an understanding of my own perspective of the world.
What is interesting is that the people who would disagree with their kid if they decided to become an art major are usually the once who celebrate the child who became a doctor or a scientist. What they don’t understand is that art and science are very similar.
There are five steps in the Scientific Method: a question is presented, research must be done, a hypothesis is established, then you get your hands dirty and through your research and knowledge, you experiment. If it’s working out then you continue until it’s finished and you come to a conclusion. In science, if nothing is working out, then you conduct different trails. If a project isn’t working then you also experiment with different colors, shapes, textures and space. Finally, at the end, you learn something new within both artistic and scientific projects. However, art sometimes has no conclusion and that’s fine because there are still answers that haven’t been figured out in Science as well. Art should be given the same importance and significance in society and it’s my goal for people to understand that.